What is the Magical Mystery School?

The Magical Mystery School is a Mystery School for the Aquarian Age. It is what we create together. It is a community of learning, expansion and an open space to get to know ourselves.

The main work we will be doing is deprogramming the mind. Clearing out the layers of heaviness and self doubt left over from thousands of years of heavy programming. This is work for the ages.

We do this through the mystical arts using tools from both the Eastern and Western esoteric traditions, including astrology, yoga, qaballah, the tarot and magick. We also do our best to follow scientific discoveries and showcase the ways they corellate and support ancient mystical wisdom.

We want you to be independent. To think for yourself, to question everything. We will never ask you to take anything on belief but encourage and guide you to have experiences that speak for themselves.

We are looking for students, teachers student-teachers and anyone with an open heart and we will ask you to enter with a beginners mind.

Inclusion, freedom, creativity, compassion, community and joy are our guideposts.

We welcome people of all ages, genders, ethnicity, belief systems and  abilities. We know that together we are stronger, and we’re all just ex-babies.

We belief in serving all will not let lack of funds be a barrier to entry and will offer scholarships to all our programs. 

The main hub of The Magical Mystery School will be online, at least for now. We’ll see what the future holds in store for us.

From my heart to yours, 

Jara Gian Tara, founder