Learning to be in charge of your own mind and thoughts is the most important work you can do for yourself and the people you love.
As you learn to do this, everything becomes easier.
Literally everything.
It sounds like a bold claim, but have you thought about how powerful your mind is?
And have you thought about how your mental state is at the root of all your best and worst moments.
As we become conscious of our mind, thoughts and emotions, we begin to realize that the thoughts are the cause of our emotions, not the other way around. Read this again if you need to.
Sure, life can be incredibly hard. But having a mind that runs around like a wild animal makes the hard times harder.
Life can also be incredibly wonderful – and in those moments an untamed mind can as easily ruin that. As opposed to how a mind that has been trained to serve you can expand and relax into the wonders of life.
When your MIND rules you, the thoughts that run through it rule your life.
When YOU rule your mind, you rule what thoughts you allow to affect you and you become YOURSELF.
When your mind is serving you, difficult thoughts can be seen as what they are – difficult thoughts, not reality. And we begin to be able to choose supportive thoughts over the unsupportive ones.
Learning how to do this completely changed my life.
I have been actively studying and finding better and better ways to deal with my mind for over 20 years.
During this time I have found so many tools, tricks and habits that have made my life infinitely better than it was over 20 years ago when I started this journey.
At the time I was dangerously depressed. I had just lost my brother, was a 23 years old single mother and had serious unresolved trauma.
Because of my child I saw only one option – to find a way to become a truly happy human being.
I tried therapists and antidepressants but neither worked for me. So I had to find another way.
To make a long story short: I have become maybe the happiest human I know.
I found a way to deal my mind. To make it my servant.
What’s in store for you in class?
First and foremost – This class is a TIME MACHINE – I am teaching this to save you 20 years of searching.
I am organizing 20 years of trial and error, reading, searching all over, doing trainings with many teachers… into a concentrated Masterclass with everything I believe you need to get the same results as I did.
During this masterclass I will teach you both how the mind works and the techniques you need to take ownership of your mind.
In all my classes I put great emphasis on practical actions.
Information alone does not change much – information put to practical use changes everything.
Live is simply better all over when you have a deeper understanding of the mind and know how to put it to good use.
Some direct benefits:
You will gain deeper awareness of your internal dialogue – and learn how to stop taking it so seriously
You will learn to recognize difficult thoughts for what they are – thoughts created by the mind
You will learn to use what I call “thought stoppers”
How to work with the subconscious mind
You will learn a simple meditation to calm the mind
You will learn about how our thoughts are colored by our surroundings and how to use that for empowerment
You will learn about ANTs or Automatic Negative Thoughts
More important than everything else – My hope is that you leave this class with a deep understanding of how the mind tricks us into believing that we have no control when in reality the mind is just one of many parts of us. AND some of us have heavier mental programming than others and when we see that we have invaluable new insight that can be used to catapult us into a new more loving life.
Right now you have an opportunity to do this LIVE with me, on zoom, and have the opportunity to ask questions at the end of class.
At the moment I have no plans to teach it LIVE again so this is a unique opportunity.
If this resonates with you, and you feel that this could help you – Do yourself a favor and come to class.
Taught by me, Jara Gian Tara
Feel free to contact me at Instagram:
And read about me here:
When is the class?
On July 22 2024 at 16.00 GMT
(18.00 CET, 12.00 EST)
How long is the class?
I am going to do my best to stay within the 90-120 minutes timeframe. But it it possible that it will be longer, especially because there will be Q&A at the end. However, the class will be recorded and if you need to leave before we finish, you will get a recording after the class.
Where is the Class?
The class will be Live online, on Zoom. You will need to get a free version of zoom on your phone or computer if you don’t have it already.
Can I ask questions?
Yes, there will be time for questions at the end of the class.
What if I can’t be live?
You will get access to a recording of the Masterclass after the live class is over.
Anything else I should know?
Dress comfortably, have some water or your favorite beverage to drink and a way to write down notes if you’re a notetaker. (I am a notorious notetaker – it helps me to remember what I hear.)
+ I take this very seriously. I have a very deep longing to deliver this class in a way that is understandable and can be of deep service to you and everyone you come in contact with.